battle: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (bat'l), [key]
— n., v., -tled, -tling.
  1. a hostile encounter or engagement between opposing military forces: the battle of Waterloo.
  2. participation in such hostile encounters or engagements: wounds received in battle.
  3. a fight between two persons or animals: ordering a trial by battle to settle the dispute.
  4. any conflict or struggle: a battle for control of the Senate.
  5. a battalion.
  6. to enter into conflict; fight: He was ready to do battle for his beliefs.
  1. to engage in battle: ready to battle with the enemy.
  2. to work very hard or struggle; strive: to battle for freedom.
  1. to fight (a person, army, cause, etc.): We battled strong winds and heavy rains in our small boat.
  2. to force or accomplish by fighting, struggling, etc.: He battled his way to the top of his profession.


Pronunciation: (bat'l), [key]
— -tled, -tling.
  1. to furnish (a building or wall) with battlements; crenelate.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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