belong: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (bi-lông', -long'), [key]
— v.i.
  1. to be in the relation of a member, adherent, inhabitant, etc. (usually fol. by to): He belongs to the Knights of Columbus.
  2. to have the proper qualifications, esp. social qualifications, to be a member of a group: You don't belong in this club.
  3. to be proper or due; be properly or appropriately placed, situated, etc.: Books belong in every home. This belongs on the shelf. He is a statesman who belongs among the great.
  4. The book belongs to her.
    1. to be the property of:The book belongs to her.
    2. to be a part or adjunct of:That cover belongs to this jar.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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