fob: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (fob), [key]
— n.
  1. a small pocket just below the waistline in trousers for a watch, keys, change, etc. Cf. watch pocket.
  2. a short chain or ribbon, usually with a medallion or similar ornament, attached to a watch and worn hanging from a pocket.
  3. the medallion or ornament itself.


Pronunciation: (fob), [key]
— fobbed, fob•bing.
  1. to cheat; deceive.
  2. He tried to fob off an inferior brand on us.
    1. to cheat someone by substituting something spurious or inferior; palm off (often fol. by on):He tried to fob off an inferior brand on us.
    2. to put (someone) off by deception or trickery:She fobbed us off with false promises.


Pronunciation: [key]
— Com. Com.
  1. free on board: without charge to the buyer for goods placed on board a carrier at the point of shipment: automobiles shipped f.o.b. Detroit.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
See also:
  • fob (Thesaurus)