foil: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (foil), [key]
— v.t.
  1. to prevent the success of; frustrate; balk: Loyal troops foiled his attempt to overthrow the government.
  2. to keep (a person) from succeeding in an enterprise, plan, etc.
  1. a defeat; check; repulse.


Pronunciation: (foil), [key]
— n.
  1. metal in the form of very thin sheets: aluminum foil.
  2. the metallic backing applied to glass to form a mirror.
  3. a thin layer of metal placed under a gem in a closed setting to improve its color or brilliancy.
  4. a person or thing that makes another seem better by contrast: The straight man was an able foil to the comic.
  5. an arc or a rounded space between cusps, as in the tracery of a window or other ornamentation.
  6. an airfoil or hydrofoil.
  1. to cover or back with foil.
  2. to set off by contrast.


Pronunciation: (foil), [key]
— n. Fencing.
  1. a flexible four-sided rapier having a blunt point.
  2. the art or practice of fencing with this weapon, points being made by touching the trunk of the opponent's body with the tip of the weapon.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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