into: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (in't unstressed in't&oobreve, -t&schwa), [key]
— prep.
  1. to the inside of; in toward: He walked into the room. The train chugged into the station.
  2. toward or in the direction of: going into town.
  3. to a point of contact with; against: backed into a parked car.
  4. (used to indicate insertion or immersion in): plugged into the socket.
  5. (used to indicate entry, inclusion, or introduction in a place or condition): received into the church.
  6. to the state, condition, or form assumed or brought about: went into shock; lapsed into disrepair; translated into another language.
  7. to the occupation, action, possession, circumstance, or acceptance of: went into banking; coerced into complying.
  8. (used to indicate a continuing extent in time or space): lasted into the night; far into the distance.
  9. (used to indicate the number to be divided by another number): 2 into 20 equals 10.
  10. interested or absorbed in, esp. obsessively: She's into yoga and gardening.
  11. in debt to: I'm into him for ten dollars.
  1. pertaining to a function or map from one set to another set, the range of which is a proper subset of the second set, as the function f, from the set of all integers into the set of all perfect squares where f(x) = x for every integer.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.