patch: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (pach), [key]
  1. to mend, cover, or strengthen with or as if with a patch or patches.
  2. to repair or restore, esp. in a hasty or makeshift way (usually fol. by up).
  3. to make by joining patches or pieces together: to patch a quilt.
  4. to settle or smooth over (a quarrel, difference, etc.) (often fol. by up): They patched up their quarrel before the company arrived.
  5. (esp. in radio and telephone communications) to connect or hook up (circuits, programs, conversations, etc.) (often fol. by through, into, etc.): The radio show was patched through to the ship. Patch me through to the mainland.
  1. to make a connection between radio circuits, telephone lines, etc. (often fol. by in or into): We patched into the ship-to-shore conversation.


Pronunciation: (pach), [key]
  1. a clown, fool, or booby.


Pronunciation: (pach), [key]
  1. 1889–1945, U.S. World War II general.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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