rostrum: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (ros'trum), [key]
— pl. -tra -trums.
  1. any platform, stage, or the like, for public speaking.
  2. a pulpit.
  3. a beaklike projection from the prow of a ship, esp. one on an ancient warship for ramming an enemy ship; beak; ram.
  4. (in the forum) the raised platform, adorned with the beaks of captured warships, from which orations, pleadings, etc., were delivered.
  5. a beaklike process or extension of some part; rostellum.
  6. a raised platform or dais, esp. one with hinged sides that can be folded and stored within a relatively small space.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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