salon: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (su-lon' Fr. sa-lôn'), [key]
— pl. -lons
  1. a drawing room or reception room in a large house.
  2. an assembly of guests in such a room, esp. an assembly, common during the 17th and 18th centuries, consisting of the leaders in society, art, politics, etc.
  3. a hall or place used for the exhibition of works of art.
  4. a shop, business, or department of a store offering a specific product or service, esp. one catering to a fashionable clientele: a dress salon; a hair salon.
  5. (cap.) (in France) Salon des Refusés; Salon des Indépendants.
    1. the Salon,an annual exhibition of works of art by living artists, originally held at the Salon d'Apollon: it became, during the 19th century, the focal point of artistic controversy and was identified with academicism and official hostility to progress in art.
    2. a national exhibition of works of art by living artists:Salon des Refusés; Salon des Indépendants.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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